Project Summary
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As most of you know, the most important reason for any museum to exist is to collect and preserve a community’s history. Within these confines lies the obligatory duty to keep precise records of its entire collection and to provide provenance, a place of origin or earliest known history of an object, to help tell its story. It is also important that a museum know the value of each and every object, and whether or not the object fits within their mission. It is also very important that a museum properly care for their collection.
Here is what we will be accomplishing:
1) Cataloging the collection. The collection consists of 10,000 objects. Broken into specific categories it consists of several historical sculptures created from bronze, porcelain, wood, jade, glass, and marble. The art collection dates back to the 1700s. Additional collections consist of the Kolliker collection, African artifacts, and Western Art. There is also an impressive collection of Shakyamuni Buddha statues. Throughout the museum is a beautiful collection of antique furniture. A Mexican Revolution exhibit and authentic Mexican and Polish dolls. The museum is also home to Asian woodblock prints and Japanese silk screens.
Cataloging the collection is estimated to cost $5,000.
2) Estimating the value of the collection. Under the direction of a collections assessment manager, volunteers will photograph, index and evaluate every object. Estimated cost $10,000.
3) Proper storage of the collection. Acid free boxes and paper. Museum quality shelving. Estimated cost $5,000.
Please Note: If you use Internet Explorer you will NOT be able to make a donation through this site. We also realize there are some donors who do not wish to make their contribution online. In either case, please feel free to mail your contribution to the International Museum of Art, 1211 Montana Ave. El Paso, TX 79902. Please write Indiegogo Campaign in the memo. Thank you.