Acrylic on canvas

Joanna Overton

I was born and raised in El Paso, I’ve always sketched and drawn, but seeing a splash of color added to my creations took the cake.  I aim to give all viewing my pieces something different in every orientation they place my painting. I aim to bring a different wave of art to El Paso, the El Paso Pours Community.

My content consist of acrylic pour paintings, cards, and other display canvases that meet a universal aesthetic. My technique revolves around the mixing and entanglement of acrylic colors birthing both patterns and textures, and emerging tones. I aim for a cosmic alternative, both metaphoric and literal, that open opportunities to embellish my pieces with realistic objects or simple glimpses of my imagination


  1.  What influenced you to become an artist?

My biggest influencer was my family, specifically my dads love of space, that captured my fascination on creating items that could mimic how being outer space would look.

  1. What inspires you? What do you do when you get into a creative block?

Truly everything around me and in my life is an inspiration. From the people I meet, to the songs I hear on the radio, everything in life gives off some degree of inspiration.

When I find that I am experiencing a creative block, I will put the paints down and go back to basic card making and vice verse. If I find I am still having a block that’s when I go and binge on some Star Trek TNG.

  1. How would you describe your style? When did you first know you had a personal style? 

I would have to say that I am still trying to develop my style. I still like to use different pour techniques weather it involves a lot of motion/expressionism, or just out-right abstract.  But I have noticed I love embellishing my art with space ships to give them a fantasy feel.

  1. What would you like the viewer to take away from your art? 

Yes, in art beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so try turning my pour paintings in a different orientation and see what that does for you. Always remember, if you never start, you will never see the beautiful results. You have to start sometime.

  1. How has it been to work with artists whose work is different from yours?

Wonderful. I have been impressed, and learned from these two young ladies. Getting to see how they express their view on a subject in their art is an experience I will always treasure. Three different art styles emerging to highlight one subject is something beautiful to behold. 

  1. What are your future plans as an artist?

Encourage many others to begin their pour journey, and become a part of the El Paso Pours community on FaceBook. Collaborate with other artist, new or experienced, on a painting at least twice a year.