Hours: Fri-Sun 12-5 pm, Thurs 1-5 pm & Mon-Wed Closed

Dawn of A New Day, Group Exhibition, Turney Youth Gallery and Art Education Center


Dawn of a New Day is a group show, consisting of El Paso Artists; Gia Flores-Arellano, Joanna Overton and Pámela Vigo Sánchez. The show marks the beginning of the International Museum of Arts’, “Turney Youth Gallery, and Art Education Center”.  Which will be located in the right corner room on the main floor of the Turney Home.

The show opens March 5th and will run until March 26th  –



Dawn of a New Day is curated to bring in a new light to the International Museum of Art and shepherd in the new youth art program set to allow young artists to be given an opportunity to display their art in a museum setting. This gallery space would be the home of the program to allow students to gain professional art practices by working with local artists to learn how to curate their own show in a professional setting, frame their work, and how to present themselves as exhibiting artists. 

The museum tasked Gia Flores-Arellano, Joanna Overton, and Pámela Vigo Sánchez to create a show to reinvent the rotating exhibition space located on the first floor of the museum. The three artists, each with vastly different artistic styles and motifs, share one common denominator: the use of bright colors. Joanna’s swirls and cell patterns in her cosmic acrylic pour pieces, Gia’s structured colorful grids that hold her expressive faces, and Pámela’s bold equestrian line art contrasted by her horse’s watercolor paintwork meld together for this revolutionary showcase of local El Paso artistry.

The trio of artists chose to create work around a color palette based on the El Paso sunrise as it illuminates the city far beyond the Franklin Mountains. A bright sunrise to start a new day, a new era, and bring in new faces and artists into a historical space filled with treasures both new and old.

The exhibition is displayed in a manner to recreate the gradient of dark to bright colors of the sunrise to allow the audience to experience the art as well as view it. Visitors to the museum would be greeted by the brightness, warmth, and sense of renewal the colors give, as does our southwest sunrise greets our city with each day. The artists also took inspiration from the museum itself and all the treasures and stories it contains by creating several pieces inspired by their favorite facets of the permanent collections. 


Follow the Artists!

Gia Flores:
Instagram @elabismodegia
Portfolio: here
Joanna Overton:
Facebook: JoMarie N Me https://www.facebook.com/jomarienme/

Website: https://www.jomarienmeart.com/

Pámela Vigo Sánchez:

Facebook: Silver Pick Studios https://www.facebook.com/silverpickstudios/
  • March 8, 2022
  • 11:00 pm
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